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Small Adders Part 5

Bob Otnes, Palo Alto, California

Teil 5 des Vortrags, gehalten beim 2. Greifswalder Symposium zur Entwicklung der Rechentechnik 12. - 14. September 2003, erschienen in Girbardt/Schmidt 9-2003
Im Rechnerlexikon mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Verfassers


1 Small Adders Part 5

1.1 Category - The Kummer Adder


There are a number of names connected with this type of device. The more primitive ones being those by C. Perrault and S.S. Young (Patent:US6602, 1849). The Young in the US was followed by the Fowler, the Universal, the Locke and the McCarty. An early model of the one by S.S. Young is in the Smithsonian. Independently, I have seen a one-page set of instructions for the device, so it probably was made. However, the one in the Smithsonian, while operable, looked to be very fragile. It is doubtful that many have survived. I suspect that the shepherd's crook carrying mechanism started with Kummer. For example, Troncet applied for his French patent 30 avril 1889; it was never published "as the 2nd year fees were not paid." Note that Marguin gives a date of 1847 for the Kummer. An American Kummer patent was issued May 19, 1869, nearly 20 years earlier than that of Troncet. The questions remains: why is there a Russian example, and why is there an American patent, both by Kummer? I assume that these are one and the same person, but have no explanation. There seem to be a few examples of the Russian version known, but I do not know of one based on the American patent.

The Young Adder at the Smithsonian.


1.2 Category 2.2.3 - Chain Input

An Assortment of Chain Adders

1.3 Category 2.3 - Miscellaneous

The Midget Adder

2 Copyright

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Hinweis: Copyright 2003 Robert K. Otnes
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