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Diskussion:La Popolare

Hello, i suppose you did a little mistake in the title. The actual name of the machine is "La Popolare" (two O, no U).
>> Thanks, I changed name!

I could change this page, but i'm not able to change all crossing references.
>> o.k.

I found a little Ad of this machine on the "Catalogo Ufficiale" of the "Fiera di Milano" in 1922. Producer was P.E. Gallo in Milano(Italy).
>> Thanks, added

The machine was patented in decimal version and in english-currency version.
Here you can find an image of the english version and a scan of my ad:  http://radioinsoffitta.it/html/macchine_da_calcolo/Tasca_5.htm
You can insert in RL both images. The scan is my own.
The owner of the site gave me the authorization to put the image of the machine in RL.
>> Thanks, added

Ad says what "more than a million of such machines are in use" but is not common to find a such machine :-)
My guess is what it was the italian version of another famous machine. What machine? A spanish "PopUlare"? What do you think? Andrea
>> I think that number is not correct:
>>-The only "big" producer before Addiator was Troncet (probably 100,000 ?)
>>-Troncets have been better! (ten's carry)
>>-Addiator needed more than 10 years for 1 million items! (1920 - 1930)
>>-So I think there did not exist "more than 1 million" of machines like this in 1922

>>Do you have Italian Patent:IT174149 ? (Not in ESPACENET) From when?